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Mandala with poem

Home Forums My Carvings! Mandala with poem

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    Mitchell Lang

    I carved this on a 16″ flat plate. The mandala is a design I found on Shutterstock and modified for chip carving. The gold areas are painted with an iridescent gold acrylic. The quote is from a poem by Robert Frost. I finished the carving with General Finishes Arm-R-Seal mixed with a light colored gel stain to form a toner.

    Julie Pratt

    That looks beautiful!

    Marty Leenhouts

    Hey Mitch,

    More excellent work as we’ve come to expect from you! Thx for the fearless closeup pics so we can see your talent.

    I like your choice of font and color.

    would you mind sharing what font you used and also how you created the curved lettering? Software used?

    Your carving is inspiring and helps all of us carve better!

    Mitchell Lang

    Thanks for your kind words Marty and Julie.

    The font is Aesop: https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/finefonts/aesop/

    I do my layouts with a desktop publishing program that allows you put text along a curved path. Unfortunately it’s an older program that’s no longer available. I don’t have Inkscape but it may be that it has that capability.

    Marty Leenhouts

    I like that font. I’ll be sure to download it now.

    I’ve been sharing some uses of Inkscape with members and it can indeed bend lettering around a shape.

    I just need to learn how to make it on inside AND outside of a curve :-).

    Thanks for sharing, Mitch!

    Marty Leenhouts

    Note: if you are interested in this font, it is available for free at thisĀ  linkĀ  https://www.onlinewebfonts.com/download/6eb9d3ee27244c81f891fdb7c44bb968

    Andrei Gotia

    Beautiful, Mitchell! Thank you for sharing it, especially for the close up pics.

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