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Home Forums My Carvings! Letters

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  • #100008478
    Norbert Riedi

    Here’s a series of twelf training boards with the main font “Birch Standard” (ca. 18 mm letter height). The basswooden platelets are all around 99 mm wide and ca. 8 mm thick. The height changes from 65 to 160 mm. The text are “Twelf Rules For Life” by Jordan B. Peterson). Second font is “Engravers”.

    When chip carving I rather use Roman numerals because in my opinion the Arabic ones never fit really well in the common roman fonts (different design language). And Roman numerals are way easier to cut too 😉

    To me carving letters is a very good training. Because of the different line-shapes like straight with and against the grain, round forms, fine details etc.


    Norbert Riedi

    Marty Leenhouts

    Love your letter carving, Norbert!

    I should have called the Letters and Numbers Course, Carve Letters Like Norbert! 🙂


    I am practicing numbers now. You make it look easy! Beautiful lettering!

    Norbert Riedi

    Remember your last tip on round forms over there at one of my Instagram-postings, Marty? It was really pivotal for me! From this one I could easely take on on some of the other “problems” and solve some sources of error. Because it teached me to carve the weak cuts, the somehow easy “grain-followers” always first. No matter of its size or form. (It’s complicated for me to explain it correctly; my english is not good in enough.) The blade somehow likes to follow the way of the least resistance …

    Marty Leenhouts

    “Because it teached me to carve the weak cuts, the somehow easy “grain-followers” always first. “

    This makes sense to me! I’m glad you learned this. You are very easy to teach 🙂

    Andrei Gotia

    Beautiful (carving and texts ;o). You should send a pic to JBP. ;o)

    Norbert Riedi

    Thank you very much @Andrei Gotia! I appreciate. And I sure would like to send him the whole set rather than just a picture ;-).

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